[Tue 15:40] +of course, [Tue 15:40] +on fas ? [Tue 15:40] +tsantore [Tue 15:42] +ok, you're approved [Tue 15:43] +i'm off :) [Tue 15:43] +adamw: thanks [Tue 15:43] +you now have bugzilla powaz, but please use them wisely - mcepl will guide you [Tue 15:43] +adamw, recall my problem with my FAS email and the fp.o address in BZ? I got the full power only with my email in FAS. I got it fixed, it is possible with the fp.o address. abadger1999 fixed it. I'm just not sure if it's a bug that this needs some "hand work". [Tue 15:43] +i'm not sure either, but you escalated it to infrastructure didn't you? [Tue 15:44] +adamw, i escalated it just to #fedora-admin [Tue 15:44] +k thank you very much [Tue 15:44] +LinuxCode: I think there are two things to do: a) read around BugZappers part of fedoraproject.org wiki, e.g., https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/How_to_Triage is a good start, b) think about where you want to help. [Tue 15:44] +yes absolutely [Tue 15:44] +will do [Tue 15:45] +I have to head out shortly though [Tue 15:45] + * LinuxCode [Tue 15:45] puts on list for tomorrow [Tue 15:45] +thank you adamw [Tue 15:46] +b) means, that we usually encourage people to pick some component in Fedora (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Components_and_Triagers is good guide in it) which is close to your heart, find out how to get into connection with developers there, talk with them, and off you go! [Tue 15:47] +that "close to your heart" is meant kind of seriously; you will spend a lot of time with it, so it's better when you don't get bored too easily. [Tue 15:48] +LinuxCode: have a nice day/morning/evening/night/whatever [Tue 15:48] +mcepl, makes perfect sense [Tue 15:49] +yah, been saying that about package maintaining, too [Tue 15:49] +no point maintaining something you dont use or know anything about [Tue 15:54] +mcepl, thanks all I be out for the night, later <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 16:00] mcepl_ (n=matej@135.67.broadband11.iol.cz) joined the channel [Tue 16:14] +hrm.. how can i find out if plymouth-libs is restructured so it doesn't require but optionally use libpng? [Tue 16:15] +most likely with a yum deplist iguess.. stupid me.. first think proper, then ask <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 16:17] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Tue 16:19] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Tue 16:39] +How do you guys close bugs fixed in rawhide? You use closed and ...? [Tue 16:41] +You know the two dropdowns at the bottom. [Tue 16:41] +Status [closed] [.......] [Tue 16:54] +adamw, sorry if i ping you ^^^^ But thats my first bug i can close because it's fixed. And i cant find a [fixed]. I will give a message as well. [Tue 17:00] +CLOSED and RAWHIDE, if it's fixed in rawhide. [Tue 17:00] +alindebe, thanks :) [Tue 17:00] +alindebe, i guess else it would be closed/errata? [Tue 17:00] +eh, depends [Tue 17:00] +oh [Tue 17:01] +thomasj, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow#CLOSED [Tue 17:03] +alindebe, yay, thanks, i should have found that myself, sorry, but thanks :) [Tue 17:03] +no worries [Tue 17:04] +finding things on the wiki is a gamble, really [Tue 17:04] +yeah, true [Tue 17:18] +thomasj: no ERRATA is just for RHEL bugs, or .... wait a sec [Tue 17:19] +mcepl_: ERRATA is also for bugs in fedora [Tue 17:19] +thomasj: read once more https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/How_to_Triage and particularly https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow that's our meisterstuck (this has to be good enough for Enlgish speaking folks ;-)) and we are very proud of it. [Tue 17:19] +arxs: yeah, it is more complicated. [Tue 17:19] +arxs: and it is kind of recent development, I haven't got used to it yet [Tue 17:20] +mcepl_, yep, will do read the Meisterstück <= german ;P [Tue 17:20] +thomasj: that workflow chart should be your daily, hourly reading ;-) [Tue 17:20] +yeah, I don't have umlaut on Czech keyboard [Tue 17:20] +mcepl_, guilty, didn't read it for at least 3 weeks [Tue 17:20] +mcepl_, heh, but you know the german word, awesome :) [Tue 17:21] +every Czech has to know plenty of German words ... it kind of goes with location [Tue 17:22] +Ok, wasn't aware [Tue 17:23] +thomasj: after all the Czech kingdom used to be (in the Middle Ages) the biggest part of the German empire, and before we gladly send them back to Germany (and killed couple of hundred of them on their way) there used to be approx. 3 million native Germans living in what's the today Czech republic. [Tue 17:23] +I know two Czech word, Pivo and Kava :) that's all :/ [Tue 17:23] +robot [Tue 17:23] -arxs: hooker and not guilty? [Tue 17:25] +arxs: you are far from us, you should know Dutch and French ;) [Tue 17:25] +Pivo is beer and Kava is coffee (if im not wrong :) [Tue 17:25] +yes, that's correct [Tue 17:34] +rjune_wrk: i forgot something to say at the meeting [Tue 17:34] -arxs: what? I'll add it. [Tue 17:35] +thanks that you hold it again, and also for your recently useage of the Meetbot [Tue 17:35] +good job [Tue 17:36] -ah, no worries [Tue 17:36] -I'll be doing it every other meeting <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 17:38] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DF36D.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Tue 17:57] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [Tue 17:59] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Tue 18:59] +cool, Firefox 3.5 in koji <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 19:03] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Tue 19:22] +Great.. how comes people like him cant file proper bugreports.. [Tue 19:22] +boiling-cauldron merged into master [Tue 19:22] +thomasj: who? [Tue 19:22] +https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=492172 [Tue 19:22] -Bug 492172: medium, low, ---, rstrode, NEW, doesn't catch VT size changes [Tue 19:22] +sorry, took some time.. <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 19:23] Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@ joined the channel [Tue 19:23] +Bill Nottingham.. /me chuckles [Tue 19:25] +You have no chance to reproduce it. There are some bugreports who would be a better email between friends. [Tue 19:25] +And i dont want bother him to give more information. He is busy enough. [Tue 19:26] +And the other thing is, why would one boot a "rawhide'ish" kernel on F10? [Tue 19:27] +And wtf is a rawhide'ish kernel? [Tue 19:28] +Anyways, i will bother him. He costs me time. [Tue 19:38] +mcepl, what to do with "bugreports" like that? I dunno what to write. This is not a bugreport at all to me. Thats more like hey i found something, now you have to find out whats my hardware and what have i used to find it :) [Tue 19:40] +And it is Bill Nottingham, a man i really like (from what i read on irc). [Tue 19:41] +or email [Tue 19:41] + * thomasj [Tue 19:41] scratches head [Tue 19:41] +just ask him for more info... I bet he will just tell you to close it. [Tue 19:41] +hehe [Tue 19:41] +what's the problem ... a) you are right ... this is the message between two guys who know what they are talking about, b) F10? And so what? There are some people who actually need computers functional ;-), c) rawhide-ish kernel? well, they both know what they talk about, and of course it is Rawhide kernel recompiled for F10. [Tue 19:42] +about these bugs the only thing which we need to do, is to make them ASSIGNED fast (it is too late now, actually). The guys usually are smart and bugs are sufficient, but they have tendency to fortgot about them. [Tue 19:43] +ok, so i assign and forget this thing.. [Tue 19:43] +nirik, mcepl both thanks [Tue 19:43] +no, I don't think you need more information here [Tue 19:44] + * thomasj [Tue 19:44] should not try to fix everything in one hour [Tue 19:44] +they will probably close it as obsolete, because they won't be able to collect /var/log/dmesg etc., but that's probably not our issue. [Tue 19:44] +maybe to make a comment like "Guys, is this still applicable?" or something. [Tue 19:44] +mcepl, thats what i wanted to know, thank you [Tue 19:46] +OK, so new version of the Greasemonkey script released, NOW!!! Everybody is asked to update (i.e., uninstall current one and reinstall https://fedorahosted.org/triage/browser/greasemonkey/bugzillaBugTriage.user.js) [Tue 19:46] +all: ^^^^ [Tue 19:48] +requests for enhancement or customization (which can be pretty wild now) here! [Tue 20:01] +One question to bodhi. The status changed by bodhi works if the maintainer adds something like: Fixes Bug 012345 ? I found bugs fixed but without a status changed by bodhi, thats why i ask. [Tue 20:01] -Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12345 medium, medium, ---, bero, CLOSED RAWHIDE, ps-to-printer.fpi [Tue 20:02] +ugh, that was valid bugnumber *lol* [Tue 20:02] +*was a [Tue 20:03] +all: sorry, the correct URL is http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=triage.git;a=blob_plain;f=greasemonkey/bugzillaBugTriage.user.js (bloody tracker makes HTML out of my script) [Tue 20:04] +thomasj: usually, it is better to play it safe ... ask reporter, whether it has been fixed. [Tue 20:04] +mcepl, sure, no question about that. Still how does it work? [Tue 20:05] +mcepl, i mean just a new package doesn't mean automatic every open bug is fixed. [Tue 20:05] +what do you mean? He says yes, and we can close it with peace in our heart. [Tue 20:05] +sorry, let me reread the backlog [Tue 20:07] +I mean, bodhi needs to know what bug is fixed. Lets say there are 10 open bugs for plymouth-libs and the new package fixes two bugs. Bodhi needs to know what bugs are fixed to be able to change the status of them. [Tue 20:07] +well, and it depends on the size of the patch ... if worst comes to the worst, there are changelogs in koji, and there is CVS (if really the worst comes). But if the size of the change is large or unknown (new upstream release), it is usually good attempt to take a look around the bugs for the proper component and those which might be fixed (i.e., not packaging bugs or clearly our own ones) we can ask reporter w [Tue 20:08] +bodhi doesn't matter, bugzilla does. If you fix something, it is properly filed in bodhi (so it gets to mirrors etc.), nobody cares whether bodhi closes the bug or we do. [Tue 20:08] +s/you/maintainer/ [Tue 20:08] +mcepl, understood.. i think i have to ask it better. [Tue 20:10] +https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow <== there is a very nice chart that shows that bodhi pushes package to updates repo, auto state change <== i mean that, how does that work? [Tue 20:10] +Or isn't it bodhi that auto change the state? [Tue 20:10] +I understand it like that. <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 20:12] sonar_logger3 (n=Who@fedora/sonar-logger1) joined the channel [Tue 20:13] +I know the changelogs in koji, thats why i thought bodhi uses something like that to "know" what bugs are fixed and gets auto changed the state by bodhi. [Tue 20:16] +*the bugs gets auto.. <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 20:16] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Tue 20:17] +Hey i'm not searching for a way to bust the system, i just want to understand how it works, thats all :D If i'm too curious, tell me. [Tue 20:21] +yes, it does work [Tue 20:23] +package is pushed to bodhi, it stays couple of days in pending state, and when it is accepted in testing, bodhi sends XML-RPC way comment to bodhi switching the bug to ON_QA (IIRC), then *IF* (and that's a big if) maintainer when pushing the package to bodhi chosen bug to be closed automatically (it is not so per default), then it is automagically closed when number of positive reactions to the package in bodhi [Tue 20:24] +meaning, even when there is no bug in bodhi (and it works pretty well), bug doesn't have to be closed automagically [Tue 20:24] +mcepl, again thank you, now it's clear to me :) <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 20:49] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Tue 21:33] +just wondering myself ... any thoughts on https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=508305 ? The only reaction which goes through my mind is CLOSED/ANDSOWHAT :) [Tue 21:33] -Bug 508305: medium, low, ---, xgl-maint, NEW, X uses 1-3% cpu all the time [Tue 21:57] -mcepl: I would say "Be lucky thats all it is using" NOTABUG lol [Tue 22:03] +yeah, that was my conclusion ... I just tried to comment less harshly ;-) [Tue 22:03] +(folks on the internal #x agreed :)) <#fedora-bugzappers> [Tue 23:14] mpreston (n=mpreston@adsl-074-229-175-010.sip.mco.bellsouth.net) left the channel [Tue 23:17] OmegaEvil (n=Titan@dslb-088-077-061-242.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined the channel [Tue 23:22] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Tue 23:32] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Tue 23:39] zodbot (n=supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) joined the channel [Wed 00:53] stern_g (n=stern_g@cpe-66-61-88-113.neo.res.rr.com) joined the channel [Wed 01:01] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@adsl-074-171-066-196.sip.aby.bellsouth.net) joined the channel [Wed 01:02] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Wed 01:07] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Wed 02:01] rjune (n=rjune@oh-67-76-200-198.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [Wed 02:32] arxs (n=arxs@p5B04C0BD.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Wed 03:14] aarapov (n=aarapov@nat/redhat/x-3d1a56057b170491) joined the channel [Wed 03:44] whatvn_ (n=whatvn@ joined the channel [Wed 03:48] -I got this bug http://gist.github.com/138588 everytime I boot up my system, I don't know where to report bugs, so I paste it here. Hope some on can help! thank you <#fedora-bugzappers> [Wed 05:02] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 05:09] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Wed 05:10] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 06:06] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Wed 06:31] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 06:47] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [Wed 07:25] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 07:40] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Wed 07:41] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 08:19] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Wed 08:25] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Wed 08:53] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 10:18] denise (n=ddumas@h69-131-96-69.wltonh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) joined the channel [Wed 10:30] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Wed 12:23] alindebe (n=alindebe@ joined the channel [Wed 12:24] stern_g (n=stern_g@ joined the channel [Wed 12:37] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Wed 12:56] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180169151.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [Wed 13:18] alindebe_ (n=alindebe@nat/redhat/x-451655f6dcb44549) joined the channel [Wed 13:20] mcepl (n=mcepl@ joined the channel [Wed 13:30] iarlyy (i=c8a46b5e@gateway/web/freenode/x-cd056f1151e48cb8) joined the channel [Wed 13:30] +who are with rawhide repo enabled? [Wed 13:31] +I'm doing it now... and I'll keep for all development cycle of fedora 12, 13, 14, 15... [Wed 13:40] -not me, currently I don't let Rawhide further than to kvm VM ;-) <#fedora-bugzappers> [Wed 14:48] ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] mcepl (n=mcepl@ joined the channel [Wed 14:48] alindebe_ (n=alindebe@nat/redhat/x-451655f6dcb44549) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] thomasj (n=thomasj@fedora/thomasj) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] stern_g (n=stern_g@ joined the channel [Wed 14:48] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] denise_afk (n=ddumas@h69-131-96-69.wltonh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] sonar_logger1 (n=Who@fedora/sonar-logger1) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] Yunix (i=admin@ joined the channel [Wed 14:48] adamw (n=AdamW@redhat/adamw) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] jds2001 (n=jds2001@fedora/jds2001) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] rayvd (i=rayvd@arthur.bludgeon.org) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] SMParrish (n=quassel@cpe-069-134-255-095.nc.res.rr.com) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] spot (i=spot@redhat/spot) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] mcastellini (i=mcastell@fedora/mcastellini) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] dreamer (i=dreamer@ joined the channel [Wed 14:48] Viking-Ice (n=johannbg@valhalla.rhi.hi.is) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] stickster_afk (n=npfrield@fedora/stickster) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] jlaska (n=jlaska@nat/redhat/x-2403f7ae27c88d56) joined the channel [Wed 14:48] davej (n=davej@testure.choralone.org) joined the channel [Wed 15:38] SMParrish (n=quassel@cpe-069-134-255-095.nc.res.rr.com) joined the channel [Wed 16:08] mcepl (n=mcepl@ left the channel [Wed 16:54] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DC458.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Wed 16:55] arxs (n=arxs@p5B04E701.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Wed 17:02] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Wed 17:03] +mcepl: hey, good news, until now, i don't have any regressions with the new triage script! [Wed 17:04] +thanks for your development of this [Wed 17:05] -wov! glad to hear it! [Wed 17:06] -I would probably die from hunger if I was paid by the line of code though; it took me enormous amount of time and zillion errors [Wed 17:08] -now, the mystery is that you can download http://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/scripts/BugZappers_data.json, play with it (check it with jsonlint.org), put it somewhere on the net, and then just change variable greasemonkey.*.JSON in about:config to point there and your script will behave accordingly ;-) [Wed 17:08] -some parts of the file are obvious, some would need my explanation, but I think it might be cool [Wed 17:09] -and of course, if you think, there is something which is worthy changing there, let me know [Wed 17:10] -you can add buttons, remove ones, change text of comments, change your signature, switch on some hidden buttons, which I use etc. [Wed 17:12] +mcepl: this is the one who are used by you redhat guys right? [Wed 17:13] -no that's the one used by YOU! [Wed 17:13] -mine is now hidden in VPN [Wed 17:14] +ok, but how you do hide for example this? "noRHEL4String", i mean, i don't have this button [Wed 17:14] -and the point is that I have absolutely same script as you, there are no mungings of the type (if (emailaddress.test(/.*@redhat.com/)) {} ... as they used to be in the previous version of the script) and it works [Wed 17:15] -the string is just there, but it is not used [Wed 17:15] -so you don't have to bother with it [Wed 17:16] -bottom row of you buttons (above the comment box) is driven by variable topRow and the one below the comment box is bottomRow. [Wed 17:16] -s/^bottom/top/ [Wed 17:17] -do you see 'string' field in those *Row variables? That's an index to the strings array at the top of the file. [Wed 17:21] +yes, i think i have it now. if i include the a new block with and set the string on "noRHEL4String", i habe a new button, if i click on it, i have this string as a comment in the comment box [Wed 17:22] -the one used by me is http://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/tmp/RH_Data.json [Wed 17:22] -yes, and you can say that the bug should be CLOSED/WONTFIX (you have to press Submit yourself, I will never submit changes automagically) [Wed 17:23] -take a look at my file how it is done [Wed 17:24] +i'm realy impressed, after understand how easy it is to customize it. [Wed 17:24] -I tried [Wed 17:24] +i have in mind (as you know, i triage mostly NM bugs) and ask ever and ever the same question and work with old copy and past from a textfile [Wed 17:24] -the problem with JSON file is that you have to be super careful about all those commans, quote marks, braces etc. [Wed 17:25] +but with this, i can make button for it! [Wed 17:25] -yes, that's exactly what I have on my mind. Why do you think I have those Xorg logs button [Wed 17:25] +but the jsonlint.com page will discover such typos or? [Wed 17:26] -yes [Wed 17:31] -two more notes: [Wed 17:32] +yes? [Wed 17:32] -1) VERY IMPORTANT!!! These buttons are treacherous .... it is very tempting to overrelay on them, just press couple of buttons are get rid of the bug; you should use them very thoughtfully [Wed 17:33] -2) there is trouble with caching of the JSON file ... if it seems like still readong the old version of the file, open the JSON file in the Firefox directly and reload ... by that you will refresh the cached version FF has stored locally. [Wed 17:34] +thanks for the hint's! [Wed 17:35] -if anything won't work as you feel it should (and I expect it not to work, because after all I've done it just for myself), shout loudly! [Wed 17:35] +point 1 is like the triage power we have, choose them wisely :) [Wed 17:35] +lol [Wed 17:35] -yeah [Wed 17:36] -thinking about the quote from Spiderman, but cannot recall exact wording [Wed 17:36] +if something is broken, i will beg you :) [Wed 17:37] -is it "With great power, comes great responsibility"? [Wed 17:40] -yeah, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Stan_Lee [Wed 17:40] +yes, but according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_misquotations it's Uncle Ben quote :) [Wed 17:41] -Stan Lee is the author of Spiderman, isn't he? [Wed 17:41] +he is [Wed 17:42] -(I have actually never read the comics itself, comics were not thought acceptable for socialist youth ;-)) <#fedora-bugzappers> [Wed 17:48] Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@ joined the channel [Wed 19:14] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Wed 19:21] +Hrm.. why do i have no buttons at the comment box? I recall to have some, but since some time (even with the old script there are none). http://img510.imageshack.us/i/snapshot6.png/ <#fedora-bugzappers> [Wed 19:26] Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@ joined the channel [Wed 20:12] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Wed 20:40] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Wed 21:26] OmegaEvil (n=Titan@dslb-088-077-061-242.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined the channel [Wed 21:28] OmegaEvil (n=Titan@dslb-088-077-061-242.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined the channel [Wed 21:31] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Wed 21:40] iarlyy (n=iarlyy@ joined the channel [Wed 22:58] iarlyy (n=iarlyy@ joined the channel [Wed 23:16] OmegaEvil (n=Titan@dslb-088-077-041-024.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined the channel [Wed 23:26] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Thu 00:57] pb (n=aalam@ joined the channel [Thu 02:11] arxs (n=arxs@p5B04C3E0.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Thu 03:45] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Thu 03:57] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Thu 06:42] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Thu 06:44] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [Thu 07:12] Yunix (i=admin@ joined the channel [Thu 07:12] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 07:17] jds2001 (n=jds2001@fedora/jds2001) joined the channel [Thu 07:21] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [Thu 08:00] aarapov (n=aarapov@nat/redhat/x-3c8790df7cafe18a) joined the channel [Thu 09:17] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 10:11] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Thu 10:35] adamw (n=AdamW@redhat/adamw) joined the channel [Thu 12:16] alindebe_ (n=alindebe@ joined the channel [Thu 12:52] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Thu 12:57] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180129120.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [Thu 12:59] pb (n=aalam@ joined the channel [Thu 13:05] thomasj (n=thomasj@fedora/thomasj) joined the channel [Thu 13:05] rayvd (i=rayvd@arthur.bludgeon.org) joined the channel [Thu 13:27] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Thu 13:45] iarlyy (n=iarlyy@ joined the channel [Thu 13:46] +hey zappers, I need advice about what action to take in this bug 451964 [Thu 13:46] -Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=451964 urgent, high, ---, notting, NEW, crypttab + fstab mounting of non-lvm luks partitions fails [Thu 13:46] +any suggestion is welcome <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 14:07] pb (n=aalam@ joined the channel [Thu 14:28] -adamw: who was putting that list of components for triage? We need solely add there xorg-x11-drv-cirrus ... today's Rawhide shown how important it is (Cirrus is a graphic card emulated by KVM). [Thu 14:28] +yeah, i thought the same as i was writing that email :) [Thu 14:29] +it was arxs [Thu 14:29] -adamw: how goes it? [Thu 14:29] +rjune_wrk: hey hey [Thu 14:29] +hot [Thu 14:29] +managed to land in england in the middle of a heatwave, what are the chances of that [Thu 14:29] -mcepl: arxs did it, he's got a partial list together, he's working on deps for next qa meeting [Thu 14:30] -rjune_wrk: yeah, thanks [Thu 14:30] -heatwave in england means how hot? [Thu 14:30] -mcepl: would you like the URL? [Thu 14:30] +30 or so [Thu 14:30] +but sticky [Thu 14:30] -yeah, true, it's a wiki! Silly me [Thu 14:30] -I think I have the one [Thu 14:30] +it's always humid in england because it rains all the sodding time [Thu 14:31] -adamw: I knew that part. [Thu 14:31] -is there no sun in this accursed country? [Thu 14:31] -30 isn't so bad th ough [Thu 14:31] -adamw: don't joke about rain here ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_European_floods [Thu 14:32] -oh boy that's poorly written! [Thu 14:32] +i wasn't joking about anything [Thu 14:32] +it DOES rain all the time in england [Thu 14:33] -no, there are few minutes here and there so you can enjoy gorgeous green scenery :) [Thu 14:34] +Announcement from my owner (stickster): Fedora Board IRC meeting at 1700 UTC (~90 minutes from now) -- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/IRC [Thu 14:34] -does anybody know Arne Chr. Jorgensen??? Can he tell him to stop!!!! https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=496954 :'( [Thu 14:35] -Bug 496954: high, low, ---, peter.hutterer, ASSIGNED, Xorg and gsynaptics Severe Errors [Thu 14:35] -(no, this *IS* a joke) [Thu 14:35] +i've seen him in a few bugs, don't know him [Thu 14:35] +looking at it [Thu 14:36] +what is it you want him to stop exactly? [Thu 14:37] -write so many comments!!! [Thu 14:37] +bug: 20 things wrong, and I will mix them all in this train wreck. [Thu 14:37] -even after my comment https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=496954#c37 which I consider one of the most rough I wrote to bugzilla, he just goes on [Thu 14:37] -Bug 496954: high, low, ---, peter.hutterer, ASSIGNED, Xorg and gsynaptics Severe Errors [Thu 14:37] -still walking [Thu 14:37] -nothing can stop him [Thu 14:37] -and fortunately he doesn't complain now about his problems with proprietary wireless driver anymore [Thu 14:38] +well, i see you asking for more information at the bottom, that's not exactly discouraging :D [Thu 14:39] -mcepl: perhaps you should tell him specifically what information you need. [Thu 14:40] -well, I thought just yes or no would be sufficient, I got ten more comments [Thu 14:40] -rjune_wrk: I did, many times [Thu 14:40] -mcepl: can you write a script to get the information you required? [Thu 14:40] -and many times I told which information I don't want [Thu 14:40] -s/d$//g [Thu 14:40] -??? [Thu 14:42] -mcepl: if you can write a bash or python script that will go collect the information you want, and write it to a file in /tmp that he can upload, wouldn't that be preferred to go run around and do this? [Thu 14:42] -it goes from do these things, which he may or may not do successfully. to download this: [Thu 14:42] -run it. upload this file. [Thu 14:42] -which is a much simpler procedure. [Thu 14:43] -rjune_wrk: maybe [Thu 14:43] -It's a pain, I know. [Thu 14:43] - * mcepl [Thu 14:43] originally wasn't seriously asking, just wanting to vent his frustration <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 14:44] cyberpea3 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 14:44] -You asked a bunch of geeks a question. you're getting solutions. [Thu 14:44] -You want sympathy, you'll have to talk to a support group. [Thu 14:45] - * mcepl [Thu 14:45] switches to another channel :'( [Thu 14:45] -heh <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 14:54] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 14:57] ctyler_ (n=chris@ joined the channel [Thu 14:58] ctyler_ (n=chris@ left the channel [Thu 15:04] cyberpea4 (n=james@ joined the channel [Thu 15:15] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 15:18] Kaboon (n=eelko@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Thu 15:26] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 15:57] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 16:15] ctyler_ (n=chris@zenit.senecac.on.ca) joined the channel [Thu 16:54] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 16:55] -jlaska: are you around in the evenings? <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 17:01] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Thu 17:17] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Thu 17:23] rjune_wrk (n=rjune@ joined the channel [Thu 17:23] -!seen tk009 <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 17:47] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Thu 18:09] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Thu 18:38] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DDB08.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Thu 19:21] ddumas (n=ddumas@h69-131-97-205.wltonh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) joined the channel [Thu 19:57] Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@ joined the channel [Thu 20:09] tk009 (n=tk009@adsl-074-166-251-205.sip.bct.bellsouth.net) joined the channel [Thu 20:09] +ping rjune_wrk [Thu 20:12] +rjune_wrk: it is edward not john lol. Call me again when get a chance. [Thu 20:15] + * tk009 [Thu 20:15] thinks he should of never used john for email name. [Thu 20:48] -tk009: gotcha. I'll give you a ring shortly <#fedora-bugzappers> [Thu 21:39] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Thu 22:05] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Thu 22:14] ctyler (n=chris@ joined the channel [Fri 01:11] rjune (n=rjune@oh-67-76-200-198.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [Fri 01:11] -adamw, Talked to tk009, he's having PC issues. [Fri 01:11] -tk009, I hate computers. mine still won't boot. glad for the loaner lappy <#fedora-bugzappers> [Fri 02:07] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Fri 02:20] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [Fri 02:33] arxs (n=arxs@p5B04FCE7.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Fri 02:50] +rjune: that sucks <#fedora-bugzappers> [Fri 05:11] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [Fri 05:22] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Fri 05:46] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Fri 06:26] Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@ joined the channel [Fri 06:35] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DDB08.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Fri 08:30] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 08:59] +Viking-Ice: i'm working on some fixes to your dracut page...but nice work <#fedora-bugzappers> [Fri 09:09] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Fri 09:12] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 09:29] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Fri 10:30] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DDF5E.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Fri 10:31] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 11:55] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Fri 11:58] tk009 (n=tk009@ joined the channel [Fri 12:24] +rjune_wrk: I just emailed you, if I missed something let e know <#fedora-bugzappers> [Fri 12:25] Yunix (i=admin@ joined the channel [Fri 12:57] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180148172.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [Fri 13:16] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [Fri 13:32] ctyler (n=chris@ joined the channel [Fri 13:47] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Fri 14:46] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Fri 14:47] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 15:09] Kaboon (n=eelko@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Fri 15:22] dpravec (n=david@nat/redhat/x-8c9d73611a902f44) joined the channel [Fri 16:12] dpravec (n=david@nat/redhat/x-bdcfb2641b3ba162) joined the channel [Fri 16:35] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Fri 16:36] Kaboon (n=kaboon@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Fri 16:42] iarlyy (n=iarlyy@ joined the channel [Fri 16:47] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Fri 17:00] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 17:01] Kaboon[home] (n=eelko@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Fri 17:01] SMParrish (n=quassel@cpe-069-134-255-095.nc.res.rr.com) joined the channel [Fri 17:16] Kaboon[home] (n=eelko@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Fri 18:19] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Fri 18:20] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Fri 19:35] adamw (n=AdamW@redhat/adamw) joined the channel [Fri 22:32] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [Fri 23:14] OmegaEvil (n=Titan@dslb-088-077-063-043.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined the channel [Fri 23:35] tk009 (n=tk009@adsl-074-166-251-205.sip.bct.bellsouth.net) joined the channel [Sat 03:25] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Sat 05:23] Kaboon (n=kaboon@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Sat 05:53] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Sat 05:57] TopoMorto (n=TopoMort@ joined the channel [Sat 07:31] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Sat 10:09] mikaellundberg (n=mikaellu@90-230-107-82-no87.tbcn.telia.com) joined the channel [Sat 10:09] -Hi everyone <#fedora-bugzappers> [Sat 10:14] Kaboon (n=kaboon@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Sat 10:55] dpravec (n=david@r11di220.net.upc.cz) joined the channel [Sat 11:51] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:03] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:04] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:05] jesperc (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:05] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:06] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:06] +hi <#fedora-bugzappers> [Sat 12:09] jesperc (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:10] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:12] jesperc (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:15] jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:18] Miro (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:18] Miro (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:19] Jesperc (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:20] Jesperc (n=miroslav@ joined the channel [Sat 12:20] Jesperc (n=miroslav@ left the channel [Sat 12:57] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180159087.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [Sat 14:53] SMParrish (n=quassel@cpe-024-088-247-105.nc.res.rr.com) joined the channel [Sat 15:20] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Sat 16:26] rjune (n=rjune@oh-67-76-200-198.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [Sat 16:44] mikaellundberg (n=mikaellu@90-230-107-82-no87.tbcn.telia.com) joined the channel [Sat 16:49] +Hi everyone [Sat 17:14] +hi <#fedora-bugzappers> [Sat 17:35] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Sat 17:52] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [Sat 18:58] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Sun 01:36] Yunix (i=admin@ joined the channel [Sun 02:03] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [Sun 05:30] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) left the channel [Sun 06:12] TopoMorto (n=TopoMort@ joined the channel [Sun 06:29] Kaboon (n=kaboon@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Sun 06:54] chkr (n=chkr@pD95DF7BF.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Sun 06:55] Kaboon (n=kaboon@cc410553-a.assen1.dr.home.nl) joined the channel [Sun 07:57] fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) joined the channel [Sun 10:58] chkr_ (n=chkr@pD95DF3AC.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [Sun 12:52] rjune (n=rjune@oh-67-76-200-198.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [Sun 12:55] azneita (n=azneita@ joined the channel [Sun 12:58] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180142167.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [17:18] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [18:02] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [18:26] codergeek42 (n=pgordon@fedora/codergeek42) joined the channel [18:37] rjune (n=rjune@oh-67-76-200-198.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [20:00] tk009 (n=tk009@adsl-074-166-251-205.sip.bct.bellsouth.net) joined the channel [21:09] -tk009, got your emails, thanks for the response <#fedora-bugzappers> [21:25] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [23:29] LinuxCode (n=Titan@fedora/LinuxCode) joined the channel [23:57] cyberpea2 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [00:16] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [00:54] cyberpea1 (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [01:50] cyberpear (n=james@fedora/cyberpear) joined the channel [02:13] arxs (n=arxs@p5B04B97F.dip.t-dialin.net) joined the channel [06:10] valente (n=valente@ joined the channel [09:08] mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) joined the channel [10:18] Sonar_Guy (n=Who@fedora/sonarguy) joined the channel [10:48] CyberS0nic (n=CyberS0n@ joined the channel [11:47] denise (n=ddumas@ joined the channel [12:58] thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180136226.adsl.alicedsl.de) joined the channel [13:04] alindebe (n=alindebe@nat/redhat/x-e42d3dd8fcc69f1c) joined the channel [13:54] dpravec (n=david@r11di220.net.upc.cz) joined the channel [15:45] +anyone willing to try and figure out where bug 506606 should go? I can't understand what he's seeing... [15:45] -Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=506606 low, low, ---, ajax, NEW, Display brightness overlay corrupted on Gateway MT6839b laptop with Intel 945GM graphics [16:13] +it depends, just out of the bat, I would say that xorg-x11-drv-intel is correct, but I know that there are some bugs about this already. I will fix it later. <#fedora-bugzappers> [16:16] rjune_ (n=rjune@oh-67-77-28-140.sta.embarqhsd.net) joined the channel [16:20] +thanks. --- Topic for #fedora-bugzappers is Fedora BugZappers: Our primary mission is to track down and shoot Fedora bugs in bugzilla.redhat.com. Please use #fedora for support related questions. | Everyday is Triage Day, if you're new, please say hi Topic for #fedora-bugzappers set by tk009 at Sat May 16 04:43:51 2009 --> SMParrish_ (n=quassel@cpe-024-088-247-105.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #fedora-bugzappers <-- dpravec has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) SMParrish has quit (Connection timed out) Sonar_Guy has quit ("Leaving") * Loaded log from Mon Jul 6 12:01:01 2009 --> You are now talking on #fedora-bugzappers --- Topic for #fedora-bugzappers is Fedora BugZappers: Our primary mission is to track down and shoot Fedora bugs in bugzilla.redhat.com. Please use #fedora for support related questions. | Everyday is Triage Day, if you're new, please say hi Topic for #fedora-bugzappers set by tk009 at Sat May 16 04:43:51 2009 Channel #fedora-bugzappers created on Mon Jan 26 21:29:55 2009 Hey, I'm here for the blocker bug review day * jlaska waves still catching up on email from last night though * nirik guesses you guys could try using the meetbot plugin, but no idea if it blows up when another meeting is going on in another channel. ;) the threaded meetbot alrighty yeah, it should work fine thinking about it... but I don't know for sure. ;) so we three are meeting again... are we expecting anyone else or shall we get started? we may need to pull in maintainers at some point ... but I think the list is light so we probably manage yeah the obvious list is f12alpha, and that's exactly one bug long: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=508513 Bug 508513: urgent, low, ---, jmccann, ASSIGNED, Desktop is loosing brightness and colors when screen-saver activates I hardly think that's an alpha blocker i'm having trouble figuring out the edges of the problem if it happens to _any_ system in a default configuration it's pretty bad, but there is a clear workaround cute screenshot I thought the Alpha blocker criteria was more of "can you install it, boot it, and graphically update it" does the above bug prevent you in any way from getting updates that would fix it? --- stickster is now known as stickster_afk nope, not really. i agree it's probably not an alpha blocker. f13: one of the outcomes I'm hoping for today is that we can begin to document those alpha criteria for future use i've taken it off the list. adamw: where does it go ... F12Beta ... or just dropped? (up to the reporter to re-escalate)? just f12blocker for now. gotcha If it were related to a feature, it should probably go to F12Beta, since at Beta we're supposed to be code complete though that's only on the basis it affects all installs and not just some particular configuration. and alpha is feature complete unless I misunderstood things from the FAD f13: I think that's fair ... the Alpha must be feature complete which in our world means "kick the feature out" rather than "wait for the feature to finish" I think there's more to it ... perhaps along the lines you mention above regarding installation, boot and desktop login ...yet we have things at 15%, 10% and 0% on the accepted feature list. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/FeatureList <-- mcepl (n=mcepl@ has left #fedora-bugzappers should we take a quick look through the current f12blocker list while we're here? adamw: that's a good idea ... let's go fishing for bugs! adamw: a feature doesn't have to be completed at all to be accepted. alright, let's just go in order then? --- stickster_afk is now known as stickster adamw: because the process is to accept them, review at feature freeze, and throw out what isn't complete. f13: but then how is the alpha 'feature complete'? adamw: hopefully not incorrectly, but I'm relying on the feature wrangler to help kick the tires on stale features adamw: A) we have to throw out the features that aren't complete, and B) we have to reach consensus with the feature owners at what the % markers actually mean. Some feel that it's not 100% until after it has gone out in alpha and been tested and the bugs reported have been fixed OK. so...f12blocker list? definitely going through in order, then: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=214891 Bug 214891: medium, medium, ---, kzak, ASSIGNED, mount: move mtab locks to /var/lock I don't have much of a handle on this one. it seems to have been around a long time. either of you know much about what's going on with that? this is a RHEL issue, not a Alpha blocker for us RHEL needs to move it to one of their blocker lists we won't be slipping the Alpha for this issue if it wasn't a RHEL issue, how would it stack up is this more of a RFE? seems so --- stickster is now known as stickster_afk stickster_afk is now known as stickster with a severity of medium and it fails the test of "is it part of a feature, or does it prevent users from installing/booting/updating the system" yeah, as per my last comment, i really don't see how it's an f12 blocker shall we take it off? yeah, it reads like a feature request, if it's desirable for a derived distro, I think we need to get them to prioritize? basically they need to put it on a blocker for their derived distro ok, dropped from the list, with a comment next: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=486284 Bug 486284: medium, low, ---, pjones, MODIFIED, [PATCH] RFE: ext4 support in grub that's the grub/anaconda/ext4 stuff which is an obvious blocker, but is basically fixed, just needs confirmation from someone <-- whatvn has quit (Nick collision from services.) hell, we could confirm that in a virtual machine right now should we move that up to F12Alpha I seem to remember that this is a 2 part feature Grub support and anaconda support they're both done already apparently and yes, this should probably block Alpha as we'll want to make sure we get alpha testing on it adamw: I have 2 bugs I'd like to offer up for review as blockers ... that I think you'll hit if doing a virtual install jlaska: the one that supposedly stops all installs working has been added to the list already iirc okay, I'll hold off on those until you want to discuss yeah let's work through the list first and bring up anything that hasn't already been brought up after that i'm with f13 to add this as an alpha blocker * jlaska agrees ok, adding added next is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=493472 Bug 493472: medium, low, ---, krh, NEW, [945GM] KMS: LVDS wrongly detected as connected, DVI monitor resolution incorrectly set this is one i mentioned to jlaska yesterday <-- alindebe has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) it's not, by reasonable standards, a release blocker, but the maintainer (krh) wants it marked as a blocker --> alindebe (n=alindebe@nat/redhat/x-31e538b1b6c96566) has joined #fedora-bugzappers * jlaska wonders if krh should bump priority up ... or if we should ignore that for now we should probably talk to krh and ask him why he wants it on the list, and maybe figure out if there's a better way he can track it or whatever it is he wants to do, without having it in the list <-- yunustj has quit ("Leaving") he's on irc, should i ping him and ask if he can pop in for a minute? adamw: sure, let's try that ok asked, let's give him a couple of minutes to reply well, nothing yet, let's move on and come back to it later if possible. roger next up: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=494026 Bug 494026: high, high, ---, paul, ASSIGNED, mono build is blocked by ppc-build. the good old mono-not-building-on-ppc problem * jlaska wonders critical path packages I can't come up with a reason to make this an Alpha blocker mono had better not be in the critical path heh if it is, we've critically failed yeah, i agree we can release alpha without it, is it a final release blocker? debatable. I think that's a question for the ppc folks right on, that's what I was wondering ... we briefly mentioned in the QA meeting about restriction blockers to critical path packages s/tion/ing/ isn't the problem that, while ppc is a primary arch, as long as mono doesn't build there, we don't get new mono in any other arch either? apologies if i misunderstood that's how I understand it adding to the confusion, toshio announced on fedora-devel on april 20 that mono 2.4 had been built for ppc64, but there he is in the bug report saying it's not fixed yet. so i'm not quite clear what's going on with this bug. I think we agreed it's not a Alpha blocker, but ist here enough uncertainty to keep it on the F12blocker radar for the time being? i think so, i'm just trying to pin down exactly what the current status is now... right on can we ask toshio? his irc nick is something different from his name, i can't quite remember what... no, it would just ExcludeArch: ppc and then we'd get new mono on other arches abadger, that's it f13: right, but then all mono-dependent packages have to be built the same way, then remember to flip back when it's fixed... --> danielbruno (n=danielbr@thor.argo.com.br) has joined #fedora-bugzappers abadger1999 (n=abadger1@ has joined #fedora-bugzappers yes Good day hiya so, yeah, we're reviewing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=494026 - can you give us any detail on what's going on there? Bug 494026: high, high, ---, paul, ASSIGNED, mono build is blocked by ppc-build. personally i'm confused that you announced a build for ppc64 to -devel-list on april 20th, but then now in the bug you say it's still broken... Our mono community is in a sorry state. So we don't have resources devoted to fixing bugs in code. I've been trying to fix bugs in packaging where the mono maintainer falls down. This particular bug: We're presently building mono linked statically against libmono. --> mclasen (n=mclasen@nat/redhat/x-daf51b1ee4269204) has joined #fedora-bugzappers that's a packaging violation but not too bad since mono and libmono are in the same package. -- therefore security fixes, etc will be released together. What is bad is that we're doing that because linking dynamically to libmono seg faults. Well tracebacks since it's managedcode. ah, i see. so at present the bug is being worked around. Right. and we don't have a definite plan to fix the bug due to the mentioned lack of engineering resources. do you see any reason to slip alpha/beta/release for this issue? That doesn't affect anything in fedora currently but it does affect people who want to embed a mono interpreter i ntheir third party projec. comment #24 seems rather interesting - suggesting linking statically is actually the supported method. Well... it shows our mono community isn't very robust but I don't think I'd slip for it. If we can get jwb to shake loose an IBM person like Steven to look at and fix the problem that would be ideal. i'd agree that since we have a currently implemented, working workaround which doesn't seem to have terrible consequences, it's hard to consider this a blocker. adamw: yeah -- upstream mono does suggest that -- however, this affects mono's ability to be embedded like I say. adamw: So they're essentially sweeping the problem under the rug by saying that's the "solution" i see there's small sample code i nthe mono tarball that illustrates the problem of embedding being broken. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=494026#c32 Bug 494026: high, high, ---, paul, ASSIGNED, mono build is blocked by ppc-build. still, i think we can drop it from the blocker list...all in favor? That comment shows how to reproduce. I ok, dropping it to f12target, with a comment +1 abadger1999: thanks a lot for the clarifications! No problem. ok, next up: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=494985 Bug 494985: medium, low, ---, peter, NEW, Tracker Bug ... What stops Empathy from being a default IM client this is a blocker as Empathy is on the f12 feature list, so that seems fair should we move on to it's dependent bugs ... blocking on a blocker is odd right? well, i think we can trust the empathy maintainers to handle those obviously they're using it as a way to track the bugs they need to fix for empathy to be 'done' i'm not sure we need to peer over their shoulders on that oh I see, those dependent bugs aren't on the blocker wait nm ... they are on there jlaska: blocking on a blocker is standard practice f13: right but usually the blocker doesn't really do anything but track other actionable bugs right at meetings closer to the release date we can start bugging the empathy guys about specific bugs to make sure they're working on them, but i don't see any mileage in it this far out like the next 4 on the list so this brings up a good point though we're either time or feature based either Empathy will be ready at feature freeze, or it won't. I don't think we'll be slipping to get empathy ready, we'd be enacting the contingency plan. hmm...that's true that's what we did for 11 after all =) right. no, for f10 so having the Empathy tracker is good, putting it on the Alpha list, not so good mclasen: ah yeah f13: good point, it's not achieving much jlaska: do you agree? * mclasen also doesn't see that there can be an automatism that says 'tracker deps nonempty -> contingency plan enacted' mclasen: well even if there was, it wouldn't matter in context of this discussion, as that's about the empathy tracker itself; we're discussing whether the tracker needs to be on the critical bug list right not suggestion blocking, but is empathy critical path? * jlaska finds it is _not_ no adamw: cool, I agree ok, then, taking it off the list with a comment * jlaska hopes we didn't uncork the genie with the tracker bugs next up, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=498249 Bug 498249: medium, low, ---, peter.hutterer, ASSIGNED, Can't switch mapping for physical buttons, but not tap i think the question here is 'how important are left-handed people with laptops' :) heh heh but again, doesn't block the critical path well, yeah, it's not an alpha bug obviously if that were the biggest bug in the alpha we'd be doing well =) just thinking if it's a true release blocker no, its an annoyance, nothing more in practical terms it looks like bastien and peter are on top of it, so it should get fixed two releases ago we did not have any configuration ui for this anyway... rats ... adamw, f13 ... sorry guys the buzzer went off for me ... I've got to step out for a bit ok alright i'm less categorical on this one, so call me an abstention...so you win, f13 =) let's drop it to target --> maxamillion (n=adam@ has joined #fedora-bugzappers hi max hello adamw we're working through all bugs that block F12Blocker at present ah, awesome ... which one we on? next up: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=498968 Bug 498968: medium, low, ---, markmc, NEW, Fedora 12 Virtualization Target Blocker the virtualization blocker currently present, btw - me, f13, mclasen ah currently depends on only one open bug, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499970 Bug 499970: medium, high, ---, veillard, ASSIGNED, F12: port libvirt to PolicyKit 1.0 hello all :) which is definitely critical I think this is going to be another case of feature vs time not really - the virt team's always organized its own little sub-tracker, just because they found it easier sorry, yeah, not feature it's not bugs that block virtualization features, it's really bugs that are definitely critical but just happen to be in virtualization areas that it is ... what all is required to port it to PolicyKit 1.0? I tried to read up on PolicyKit 1.0 about a month ago but the docs seemed lacking although this bug is from the PolicyKit feature right, but it's not like the other one - as long as the policykit feature lands (which it looks like it will), this is going to have to happen going to have to happen yes, blocking Alpha release, not so sure maxamillion: there was some discussion of that on -devel f13: right, i was saying it's fine as far as f12blocker goes. whether we add it to f12alpha is closer. maxmillion: the PolicyKitOne feature page has an exhaustive list i don't think we'd gain much by delaying the alpha until this was done, let's put it that way Seems that fixing this would be pretty important to the Virt team as far as RHEL6 is concerned, but that shouldn't stop Fedora from going forward with the Alpha yeah mclasen: awesome, thank you it is an important bug, but it's not on the alpha critical path, we _can_ ship the alpha with stuff broken the one thing it costs us is that it drags the old policykit package onto spins oh, right, we have the old policykit so it's not broken, just using the compat stuff yeah we certainly want to treat it as an f12 blocker, I think but it should not hold up the alpha do you know the size cost of that off the top of your head? oh yes it's a blocker for release actually, this brings up a point - we should add the other bugs for things that haven't been ported yet to f12blocker [mclasen@planemask devel]$ rpm -q --qf "%{SIZE} %{NAME}\n" PolicyKit PolicyKit-gnome 416080 PolicyKit 476670 PolicyKit-gnome at least https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499965 and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499969 and https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=500007 Bug 499965: medium, low, ---, dcbw, ASSIGNED, [enh] port to PolicyKit 1.0 Bug 499969: medium, low, ---, richard, NEW, port to PolicyKit 1.0 Bug 500007: medium, low, ---, nphilipp, NEW, port to PolicyKit 1.0 mclasen: nothing terrible then. yeah, loosing those 2 won't fix our size problem those are for networkmanager, hal and system-config-services - everyone agree they should also be on f12blocker? sure adamw: I'm not so sure =) f13: ok, reasoning? we have the compat package and it's not going to seriously push us over size and if it were really critical to the feature itself, that work would have to be done before the feature freeze you'd be happy shipping f12 with two different versions of policykit? i wouldn't want to do that personally... I wouldn't want to no, but I also wouldn't want to slip the release for it I just don't see it as an issue serious enough to slip deadlines mmm...fair points, i'm a bit split now but we should be consistent; either they're all blockers or none are, if they're not, we should take this libvirt one off the critical list it is certainly a target, and a high value one will policy that is set through 1.0 be honored by apps written against the 0.x using the compat package? f13: having two separate ways to configure authorization policy blows seriously though mclasen: yes, and it can be fixed at any point after the release yeah, that would be the problem... maxamillion: no. and there is no 'compat' package here, really we just didn't add the obsoletes yet, to ease the transition period until all ports are done I thought f13 just said "we have the compat package" or did I read that out of context? yeah, sorry, my bad terminology - it's not called compat- anything well, we still have the old PolicyKit package, but the intention is to obsolete it when all ports are done are any significant _problems_ caused by having both installed? (aside from usability issues) ah so right now the feature contengency plan says: Stay with PolicyKit 0.9. All of the patches listed above will have to be backed out. I bet that could be modified to say keep a copy of PolicyKit-0.9 until the rest of the porting has finished it would probably be more honest to say that, yes * mclasen will make that change and a case could be made that the feature may "finish" after feature freeze since there are only 5 more ports to be done wait, why is HAL listed? I thought HAL was replaced by DeviceKit not entirely ah devicekit replaces some hal functions, not all (aiui) well, i'm willing to go with f13's position that we could theoretically finish the porting post-release, hence no port-to-policykit-1.0 bugs should be release critical, i guess... * mclasen updated the contingency plan It is do-able if need be, there would only be what ... 4 packages lacking? ok, i downgraded the bug to f12target five bugs to go https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=503798 Bug 503798: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, Rawhide repo offered in additional repos box I think we know Jesse's position on this one =) but surely, Jesse, it's just an annoyance? :P I think we let F11 out this way, to see if we got a lot of people shooting themselves in the foot I don't know how that turned out i haven't had time to check the forums much lately otherwise i might be able to give you an idea i definitely agree with your report on the face of it, it's not a good idea to expose the development repo so obviously really since it's the anaconda folks who would get the bugs, I think it should be up to them whether they want this "fixed" or not i'm not entirely convinced it's a blocker, though... yeah, it's there more of a "finish it by then, or its not getting done" kind of thing since it would be featury work, and that's not supposed to happen after the feature freeze well, we can leave it in there if you want it, i guess. next up - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=505067 Bug 505067: low, low, ---, msivak, ASSIGNED, kickstart installation fails to eject media adamw: I'd like to get anaconda folks to comment on it f13: as in now? we can see if we can find any :) I just posted to #anaconda, we can circle back to it OK update us later I think this just got fixed, but regardless, not an Alpha blocker issue so, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=505067 Bug 505067: low, low, ---, msivak, ASSIGNED, kickstart installation fails to eject media this one i can see why it's rather a problem for unattended installs - you don't want to boot back to the installer once the install's done, heh so i think it is a release blocker, but probably not alpha blocker agreed I think not ejecting media is highly acceptable for alpha status software f13? I think this just got fixed, but regardless, not an Alpha blocker issue f13: msivak committed a fix for 505067 today commit 6dc159708058136522c9ec2f62287a1d0c22f0a4 yep, that's what I saw last night great should add a comment to the bug then i'll do that .. thanks boy, wish we had SCM <-> bugzilla integration :/ ok, so we leave it on f12blocker and move on f13: that would be nice https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=508434 Bug 508434: medium, high, ---, peter.hutterer, MODIFIED, iso-level-3 / alt-gr broken in rawhide <-- Sonar_Guy has quit ("Leaving") this seems quite serious, but there does appear to be a workaround so this could prevent people from typing things in correctly, like passwords to launch the update tool "Until the update is available, run setxkbmap -layout "" after login to get the working layout." looks like there is a fix, but requires video drivers rebuilt. although theoretically it could be hard to do the workaround on some keyboard, i suppose? adamw: I could imagine ... trying to type a command to fix your keyboard could render your machine not usable altgr is somewhat unlikely to interfere with entering passwords or commands ok oh, there's always some bastard with an umlaut in his password lol it is unlikely to interfere with typing the workaround command, though, i agree. so...should we leave it off the f12 alpha blocker list, but make sure we document it in the f12 common bugs page before the alpha comes out? So, I'd say not an alpha blocker, but I'm poking peter to see if we can get the rebuilds done before alpha anyway yeah, typing in that work around shouldn't cause issues ... just thought it was funny to read "type this in to fix your keyboard" maxamillion: "Keyboard missing, press F1 to continue" ? f13: classic :) f13: the rebuilds are done, for all I know ah. Could just be a stagnant bug status then let's take a poke through koji the bug is in MODIFIED mclasen: yes, and the last update from peter was that he wasn't going to do the build yet we can move on though mcepl set it to modified on monday looks to me like he might be talking about f11 there ,though well, i'd like to know for sure if it's fixed, so i know whether to document it for the alpha or not does anyone know what the changed package is for the fix? peter doesn't say it doesn't seem to be xkeyboard-config It probably was the evdev driver and / or the server itself --> tk009 (n=tk009@adsl-074-166-251-205.sip.bct.bellsouth.net) has joined #fedora-bugzappers adamw: we ahve more review days before alpha is launched. I think we can just poke him (which I did) and catch up on later review days f13: roget er roger :) ok, second to last bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=510033 Bug 510033: high, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' i *think* this is the 'breaks all rawhide installs' bug, isn't it? adamw: sure is Alpha blocker if I ever saw one :) yeah, if this is truly stopping all rawhide installs working, it should be blocking alpha yep <-- danielbruno has quit ("see ya!") denise, any idea about what's happening with this bug? are anaconda folks on it? ada it seems to be still assigned to the mailing list, not a specific maintainer yet...(alindebe, any idea?) adamw, dlehman was working on it afaik well, I don't know that it blocks *all* rawhide installs, but it has failed all the ones I've tried in the last week adamw, will ask him to update bz ok adamw, i have mail from him that says "I have a patch, will push" great ok, i added it to f12alpha list last bug on the current f12blocker list: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=510127 Bug 510127: medium, low, ---, mmaslano, NEW, perl taint bug i know freaking naff all about 'perl taint', anyone? naff? perl taint just sounds wrong "naff all" = "sod all", "**** all", etc :) adamw: ahhh new term to add to my arsenal :) I don't bother with perl, it bothers me syntactically ... and I agree with f13, the name is just wrong So I don't see this blockign Alpha. we don't know anything about it, so it doesn't block the alpha...good enough for me :P +1 it sounds almost like some kind of security issue? well, let's leave it off f12alpha and on f12blocker, hopefully at a future meeting we'll have some kinda perl guru who can explain sounds like a plan that brings us to the end of the f12blocker list sweet, anything else you were wanting to discuss and/or hash out? probably not. We've got a Test Compose to generate for QA to run through some testing, which may uncover more blockers i did a search for all rawhide bugs with severity 'urgent', just to check those issues out; once i went through and weeded, it doesn't add any new ones for us that test compose is just for media based install testing, we should have a better idea at what else is wrong via rawhide testing. jlaska did mention ' a couple' of install bugs - if you're back yet, jlaska, what was the other? (for the record, i haven't yet heard back from krh regarding https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=493472) Bug 493472: medium, low, ---, krh, NEW, [945GM] KMS: LVDS wrongly detected as connected, DVI monitor resolution incorrectly set well, no jlaska yet so, let's close the meeting...bing bong <-- dpravec has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) well thanks for the invite, lemme know when you're doing this again and I'd be happy to join in there's a schedule f13, where's the schedule? :) thanks a million for coming (oh ha ha, i slay me) lol honestly been a while since I've heard that one http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-12/f-12-releng-tasks.html ah http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-12/f-12-quality-tasks.html maybe accurate, poelcat hadn't verified it yet f13: awesome, thank you well, I'm off ... got some $dayjob stuff to take care of cya! --> poelcat (n=slick@fedora/poelcat) has joined #fedora-bugzappers fcami (n=fcami@fedora/fcami) has joined #fedora-bugzappers mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) has joined #fedora-bugzappers thomasj_ (n=thomasj@e180171164.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #fedora-bugzappers <-- thomasj has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) --> Viking-Ice_ (n=johannbg@89-160-152-155.du.xdsl.is) has joined #fedora-bugzappers maligree (n=mg@fedora/maligree) has joined #fedora-bugzappers adamw: ping rjune: pongles rjune_wrk: pong pongles? is that code for "I like to make up goofy words" ? you code at all?